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What is Happening
Power Together Activism Event at Center for the Arts on June 22, 2024 from 10:00 am-12:30 pm
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Professor Robert Spitzer educates his Indivisible audience on the Mueller Report.
Jenna Nichols Curtis, Professor of Health from SUNY Cortland, spoke about challenges to women's mential and physical health at the ICC public meeting.
Informational presentation on the Cenus and the role of the Commerce Dept. in funding which is by local communities for programs and assistance for small businesses. Katherine Dillon, Partnership Specialist Census, is shown above discussing how the census works and
why it is so important to communities (funding).
Powerful presentation on Adverse Childhood Experiences: Poverty, Moms, and Children on September 14 at UPC (link here to flyer)
NYS Indivisible Convening in Albany
ICC representatives attended the Indivisible Convening and Training.
"Bearing Witness: Helping Asylum Seekers at the Border," a presentation by Julia Ganson, government Accountability Project
Indivisible Cortland County (ICC) hosted meeting on the Mueller Report took place on June 15 at 1:00 pm in the Center for the Arts in Homer, NY. SUNY Cortland Professor Robert Spitzer led our discussion.
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